Saturday, January 21, 2006

Just Rob Me Blind......

You know how when you get a debit or credit card, the first thing it tells you in the accompanying letter is to NEVER carry the pin number with your card. You would think that was common sense, but then again, when has common sense ever been common? I had a woman at my register today who might as well have had a neon sign over her head that said "Take all my money please!" When she went to pay for her purchase with her debit card, she couldn't remember the pin number. Right there in front of me and the other people on line, she pulled out the letter the bank had sent with the assigned pin number. I thought that was dumb for her to be carrying it in her wallet, but I hadn't truly seen her brilliance yet. After glancing at the paper, she informed me that she couldn't read the number because she didn't have her glasses. So she asked me (a complete stranger) to read her pin number to her - out loud! So now everybody on that line knows her pin number. Lady, what the f*ck is wrong with you?


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