Your tax money at work
There is an intersection that I have to use every day on my way to work. Let's call the two streets Maple and Oak. It's a T intersection so that Oak Street ends where Maple crosses it. The town has been doing some work at that intersection recently as both streets are main roads. The latest "improvement" is a pair of yield signs. The first yield sign almost makes sense. It's on Oak Street and it's a warning for people making a right turn on to Maple to yield to the Maple Street traffic. Now the reason I say that one "almost" makes sense is that there is a flashing red light at the intersection which means Oak Street traffic is supposed to stop before turning in either direction. So you really don't need a yield where you already have to stop. The other yield sign makes less sense. It's on Maple and it's a warning for those turning right onto Oak to yield to....... what? It's a T intersection! There is no Oak Street on the other side of Maple so there is no traffic to yield for. Hey highway department, what the f*ck is wrong with you?
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