Sunday, March 12, 2006

Miss Cleo doesn't work here

Today a woman came into my store trying to return a cream that she had picked up the other day. She said that she decided not to use it because the literature that came with the drug said not to use it if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, and she was trying to get pregnant. She seemed quite perturbed that neither her doctor or the pharmacist had told her that she shouldn't be using it if she was trying to get pregnant. So I asked her if she had told anyone that she was trying. Her answer? "No, because I didn't think that was important since it is just a cream." Okay, there are two things wrong with that. Number one - nobody in my pharmacy has psychic powers (and I assume the same is probably true at her doctor's office.) So unless she said something to someone (ANYONE!) how was the pharmacist to know that she was trying to become pregnant. Number two - if it's "just a cream" (the implication being that creams are somehow not drugs, I guess) then WHY would the FDA in its infinite wisdom, make it obtainable ONLY WITH A DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION? Hello! If it was not a drug then you could just buy it in the beauty aisle with all the moisturizers, wrinkle creams, etc. What the f*ck is wrong with you?


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